Must have completed Improver 2, or be of that standard. Swimmers have the whole pool for this class, generally swimming in lanes.

Skills taught in this ability:

  • Push and streamline then kick 20 metres backstroke with or without using a board. 
  • Push and streamline then kick 20 metres breaststroke with or without using a board. 
  • Push and streamline then kick 20 metres butterfly without using a board. 
  • Push and streamline then kick 20 metres front crawl with or without using a board. 
  • Perform a backstroke touch turn from 10 metres. 
  • Perform a breaststroke turn from 10 metres. 
  • Perform a front crawl turn from 10 metres. 
  • Perform a 10-metre underwater kick on front from a push and glide in a streamlined position. 
  • Swim 400 metres continuously using one stroke. 
  • Rookie bronze 1-3 award 

Once all these skills have been completed the swimmer is ready for Advanced 2.